
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
Polevoi, A.V.1996New and poorly known fungus gnats of the families Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae and Keroplatidae from eastern Fennoscandia (Diptera, Nematocera)
Lundström, C.1916Neue oder wenig bekannte europäische Mycetophiliden. IV
Okada, I.1939Eine kleine Fungivoriden Liste (Diptera) vom Berge Daisen in der Provinz Hôki (Honshu)
Okada, I.1938Die von Herrn K. Takeuchi aus Japan gesammelten Nematoceren
Bechev, D.2006Fungus Gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae) of the Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria)
Landrock, K.1923Die Pilzmücken Mährens. 1. Nachtrag
Matile, L.1969Additions à la Faune de France des Diptères Mycetophilidae
Polevoi, A.V., Maximova, Y.V., E. Subbotina Y.2020New data on the fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae) of the Taimyr Peninsula with a description of two new species of the genus Boletina Staeger
Landrock, K.1925Dipterologische Miszellen. Mycetophilidae
Plassmann, E.1972Zweiter Nachtrag zu der Fungivoriden-Sammlung des Senckenberg-Museum Frankfurt a. M. (Diptera: Fungivoridae)
Sherman, R.S.1919Notes on the Mycetophilidae of British Columbia
Edwards, F.Wallace1913Notes on British Mycetophilidae
Matile, L.1967Note sur les Mycetophilidae de la règion pyrénéenne et description de quatre espèces nouvelles
Zaitzev, A.I.1987[The complex of fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea) as a component of the entomofauna of territories with a changed hydrological regime.]
Plassmann, E., Zaenker S.2005Eine erste Bestandaufnahme der Pilzmuecken Hessens (Diptera Sciaroidea: Ditomyiidae, Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae)
Weber, D., Zaenker, S., Plassmann E.2007[Fungus gnats in caves and artificial cave sites (Diptera Sciaroidea: Ditomyiidae, Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae).]
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith