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Filters: Author is Vladimir A. Blagoderov
Journal Article
Wiegmann, B.M. et al., 2011. Episodic radiations in the fly tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Book Chapter
Blagoderov, V.A., 1999. New Bibionomorpha from the Triassic of Australia and Jurassic of central Asia with notes on Paraxymyiidae Rohdendorf (Insecta, Diptera). In P. Vrsansky, ed. Proceedings of the First Palaeoentomological Conference Moscow 1998. Proceedings of the First Palaeoentomological Conference Moscow 1998. Moscow , pp. 11-15. Available at: http://www.online-keys.net/sciaroidea/1991_2000/Blagoderov_1998_Triassic_australia_Jurassic_Asia_Fossil.pdf.
Zherikhin, V.V. et al., 1999. The unique Lower Cretaceous locality Baissa and other contemporaneous fossil insect sites in north and west Transbaikalia. In P. Vrsansky, ed. Proceedings of the First Palaeoentomological Conference Moscow 1998. Proceedings of the First Palaeoentomological Conference Moscow 1998. Bratislava: AMBA Projects International, pp. 185-191. Available at: http://www.online-keys.net/sciaroidea/1991_2000/Zherikhin&al1999_Baissa_ocr.pdf.


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